Monday, August 11, 2008

Edward is a Beefcake

I am about 2/3's through my new book and I am pleased for the most part with it. My obsessed friends and I made a very fun girls night out of the book release party. We had a blast and even met some more crazed fans who are super sweet! We got in line at 5:00 for our armbands the purchase our book and were even the first group to get in at midnight to buy it! Which tickled me to no end! I was so excited that I have to admit I read ahead a little cause I couldnt wait. To those that know me this isnt a surprise. I have also been reading fanfiction and and am as obsessed with that as I am with the books. Its a small way of never letting it end!

1 comment:

Shabby Chic Cottage said...

Ok...Now which book is this??? I remember what happened last time you recommended a book to me...I became totally obsessed with Edward and wanted to become a vampire!